On 17 Aug. 1993, 3 Sept 2001, 8 Nov. 2001, Spartanburg county police is covering up crimes - REPEATED Wrongfully Arrests after I was punched, beaten for the second time, and lied about to the police to have me arrested to cover it up by Lisa Atkins Garner CDV 3 Sept 2001, social security number 248-51-9462 attacked Bulsa. 2 Stone st Inman South Carolina 911 record
South Carolina. 29349 Officer Guy Wilson, Jason Carter, FTO Sergeant Raymond Gist Gssi https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymond-gist-02238389 Detective Marc Finley Boiling Springs, SC
. 8. Police did not collect 911 taped cell phone call from 864 316-9654 of true criminal attacking while on her cell phone with dispatcher-she hit me 4 times while on the phone with a dispatcher but played 864 472-6888 (second call) at my trial. 9. Defendants displayed multiple pictures of alleged victim several times to jury. One entire page was identical only upside down. 10. Alleged victim’s injuries were photographed the next day; Forensic Pathologist. 11. My injuries were more severe than alleged victims - all offensive injuries. Officer Jason D Bulsa
12. Alleged victim’s statement was never read, do not make sense, and was never investigated. 13. Evidence not collected- Bruises of me the next day, shoulders, ribs. 14. Have Mrs. Garner's phone records as proof. 15. SC STATUTE SECTION 16-25-70. Warrant-less arrest or search; admissibility of evidence. D) "Conflicting complaints- determine primary aggressor based on 1. prior complaints 2. relative severity of injuries 3. likelihood of future injury 4. WHETHER ONE OF THE PERSONS ACTED IN SELF-DEFENSE. 5.history of domestic violence. physical manifestations of injury to the alleged victim are present 16. All defendants participated in the commission of these causes of action are liable for the results to the same extent as the person who struck the Plaintiff, and uttered false accusations against him. I walked over hugged her (no marks) (Grab and squeeze - P.Order) File
I jumped back. walked into the bathroom- Mrs. Lisa
Atkins Gray Bulsa - Garner
attempted to knee me in the
groin, blocked with my left knee.
She then grabbed me in the groin. I pushed her hand
I asked, “What are you doing?” she punched me 14 times in
the ribs (police pictures)
shoved off the wall into
She moved into the doorway with her fists raised-
trapping me in the bathroom while catching her
breath. I held her arms and PULLED, (not
twisted (pictures)
(her voluntary statement) toward my stomach
and said, “Hit me if you want to hit me.”...Hurts more in
the stomach). End of Flashback. Began Criminal Domestic
Violence “I suggest you leave because I’m calling
the police.” I replied, “Go ahead and
call them.” You JUST attacked me, they are going to arrest you, not me. (316-9654 call not played in court.) (I
was going to if she didn't. she charged me (picture)
and then walked out the door. slammed the screen
door into me 3 times picture
2222 942 / 1022 pm arrested.
Bulsa 2 Stone St. Inman, SC 29349 864 472 6792 b29349@yahoo.com FIRST attack Incident 0804-228-93 On 17 Aug 1993 at approx. 2149, I walked into my girlfriend’s parents house (Lisa Atkins) , parents
walked in from the kitchen. Lisa walked up and yelled, “where were have you been!?”. I replied, “studying.” She yelled, “You Liar!” and slapped me in the face. Then started shoving me back down the hall. through the door and backward off the porch. Then she started pounding me in my chest until I fell against my car in the yard. Her mother was watching from the porch the entire time. Her father came from the backyard and watched, as well. I stood there stunned. She then opened my car door and started grabbing everything and threw it in the street; while yelling at her mother to call the police. A few minutes later, Sgt. Danny B. Morgan arrived and Lisa told him she wanted me to leave. Sgt. Morgan took a report, had me pick up everything from the road (had been run over) and followed me as I left. THE ABOVE IS LIABLE BECAUSE THE ACT, OMISSIONS constitute GROSS NEGLIGENCE, RECKLESSNESS, WILLFULNESS, AND WANTONNESS. 17. describe the suspect's emotional and physical state- Officer Wilson testified I was the most upset person he had ever seen." 18. My injuries were not recorded. 19. Was not informed to get additional pictures made in Veterans Admin if bruises appeared. 20. Not informed of Veterans A* and explained info. on back of VNI form. 21. Did not note signs of a struggle. Jeff Brougham Assistant attorney general lawyer AG, Brian C. Johnson Assist. A.G. 22. Mrs. Garner admitted to destroying Bulsa's belongings on 17 Aug 1993 at trial. Second Civil Rights Violation STALKING/ violation of protective order- 8 Nov. 2001 1. Ms. Prutsman called Detective Mar* Finley
(Incident report #011100486) to have me arrested because he mentioned to Mrs. Garner and that he had hired a private investigator (Mr. Michael Murphy- Spartan Detective) to prove ADULTERY. 2. Along with 10 Sexually explicit emails between (wife) and At Lee Garner- Case #2001-DR-42-3734) starting date 2 December 2001. 3. Mrs. Garner was seeking Alimony. 4. Police assumed I was trying to obtain his (wife’s) whereabouts from Mr. Murphy. 5. There are many other ways of finding this information for little cost and would have not cost but $25, not $900 I paid to PI, over two months after the alleged assault by me. 6. Mrs. Garner said I was riding on her street sounding horn." I have NEVER been on that road. 7. State statute states 2 or more times w/HARD PROOF w/in 90 days. 8. Mr. Bulsa had attempted to start divorce proceedings through Piedmont Legal Aid on October 31, 2001; 8 days before his ex-wife. Marlene Evans, Kristen Prutsman SH - RCC
158 W. Main St.
Spartanburg, SC 29306
Phone: (864) 583-9803 Kristen Prutsman South Carolina – Notice of Privacy and Confidentiality Practices. We may not disclose any information identifying a client UNLESS 1) the client consents by signing a written authorization. 2) Court order allows the disclosure 3) the disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency or to qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation. (See 42 U.S.C. 290dd-3 and 42 U.S. C. 290ee-3 for federal laws). 2. I called before the first visit. If I ever bothered anyone all that needed to be done is for me to be told to leave and don’t come back. I had nowhere else to go. They would have never done this to a woman. 3. The National Domestic Violence Hotline told me to go to the shelter. 4. Female violence – USA Today (Life- June 23, 2003) USA Today’s story” Studies shatter the myth about abuse”. “Data for years shows female violence between intimate partners occurs as often as male violence.” 5. Blue laminated brochure from Shelter “ Facts You Should Know About”- “ No one is immune to sexual assault. MEN are victims, too.” 6. Blue paper brochure from Shelter, “ DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE COURT SYSTEM- who qualifies for an order of protection? –Spouse, former spouse- there must also be a recent incident of physical abuse with a past history of physical abuse. Lisa Atkins-Garner assaulted me on 17 Aug.1993 see the incident report and on 3 Sept. 2001 at which time I was Wrongfully Arrested. You can ask-Senator Glenn Reese, Officer Jason Wilson that was there that night. He told me the only reason Mrs. Garner hasn’t been arrested is that I have filed a legal Compliant against the County for 3 counts of wrongful arrest. Reference CASE 03-CP-42-0044. What About Couple Counseling? “ If you feel you need individual counseling to deal with the trauma of your abuse, SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition can help.” 7. Tan paper brochure from Shelter- Information About the Order of Protection- “What can the police do? The Police MUST tell you about your right to bring charges under the law and how to keep evidence in the case.” 8. Tan paper brochure from Shelter- “How long does it take to get a hearing? “You may need to furnish SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition with NEW INFORMATION CONCERNING HIS/HER WHEREABOUTS.” 9. Yellow paper brochure from Shelter- Information About Individual and Group Psychotherapy- What is individual psychotherapy? Last sentence,” FACILITATION OF THE GRIEVING PROCESS AND ART THERAPY ARE SOME OF THE TECHNIQUES.” What is group therapy/ support group? What should I expect from a psychotherapist? – KNOWLEDGE OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS - UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO COPE WITH AND DECREASE SYMPTOMS SUCH AS ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION. - PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY. - A strictly Professional relationship. - Referrals to other professionals as appropriate. 10. NATIONAL CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME
- MALE RAPE- PAGE 5- “ Well-advised to consult with a rape crisis center, rather than relying on general counseling resources. THE SAME APPLIES TO THOSE CLOSE TO THE RAPE VICTIM, SUCH AS A PARTNER, SPOUSE, OR PARENT; these persons become SECONDARY VICTIMS of the sexual assault and have special issues and concerns that they may need assistance in dealing with effectively as well. LOCAL RAPE CRISIS CENTERS OFFER male SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMS DIRECT SERVICES OR REFERRALS FOR SERVICES.” Victims may contact their local rape crisis center- No matter how long it has been”. Counselors can “either provide support or help direct the victim to trained professionals who can provide support.” NATIONAL CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME- Domestic Violence and the Law page2 - “many states also consider the communications between a victim and counselor PRIVILEGED.”SC Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Guilty of practicing without a license and I was a (5) "Client" means a person or patient, whether an individual or a member of a group, a group, an agency or an organization, who receives in an office setting any treatment or service that falls within the scope of practice of a Licensed Professional Counselor or a Marriage and Family Therapist.
(6) "Consulting" means the application of scientific principles and procedures in counseling and human development to provide assistance in understanding and solving current or potential problems that the client may have in relation to a third party, individuals, groups, and organizations.
On 3 Sept. 2001, after my now ex-wife- Lisa Annette assaulted me J* Bu* for the second time.
Violation of Civil Rights- Third Wrongful Arrest Case–2003-CP-42-888 Warrant H511805, Arrested 1 May 2002 ERRORS 1.Cathy Terrell, had Mrs. Lisa Atkins Bulsa Garner 's 248.51.9462, card activity records, at the first hearing where Mrs. Garner didn’t show- 9- 11- 2002, that prove Plaintiff was at the library over 90 minutes before her but were lost before 3rd hearing on 2-3-2003. 2. A security guard, Michael Lindsey, testified, “I didn’t do anything, there was no altercation”, I left at the first sign of trouble. 3. I was found NOT guilty by reason of Self-Defense that was used to obtain this alleged violated order. 4. The Police did no investigation, did NOT collect or view security cameras that prove my innocence. 5. Mrs. Gar* called the police over 4 hours after the alleged incident. 6. Mrs. Garner lied out of vengeance with her adultery partner At Lee Garner to create a charge to have him charged again, with a crime he did not commit. 7. Three pictures, I took of the areas the cameras cover, were not given to the jury. 8. This trial was postponed 3 times- 9/11/2002,12/4/2002, and finally held on 2/3/2003, none of which would constitute “a speedy trial”- 9. Thirteen witnesses came to the second hearing, every employee in the entire Library Building, to testify, that there was no altercation. The subpoenas were removed from the court file by the third hearing. 10. The jury believed Mrs. AtLee Garner over a security guard, and Bulsa only because the Police didn’t collect the security videos. 11. Bulsa requested tapes, but they were never received.
12.Mrs. Garner admitted that Bulsa didn't follow her and him
Was in the building when he left. He did not follow her as the police report states. 13.Mrs. Garner contacted Bulsa 18 times since 3 Sept. 2001. 14. Mrs. Garner lied out of vengeance because Mr. Garner was with her fussing and following Bulsa out of the building. 15. Mrs. Garner waited over four hours to contact the police (according to the report). 16. Judge Hall should dismiss the charges the first time due to weather, the second time- Mrs. Garner didn’t show up for a scheduled hearing. 17. Mrs. Garner was in the Building when Bulsa left after less than 4 Minutes after seeing Mrs. Garner, not 15 as stated in the report. 18. A Mutual Restraining Order REPLACED the Protective Order by JUDGE JAMES FARLEY on 9 JANUARY 2002. The same judge that issued the Protective Order. TWO PROTECTIVE ORDERS cannot be in effect at the same time in family court. 19. I was found NOT guilty by reason of Self-Defense for the alleged assault by Mrs. Garner while she was on the phone w/her Adultery partner- Atlee Garner, 3 September 2001, which was used to obtain this order, making it obtained under circumstances in which it should have NEVER been issued. 20.Corpus deti - the body of the crime- a supplement of family order Restraining order nullifies the order of protection. Outrageous conduct 1. Defendant sent her bills-11, 16, 24 Nov 2001, 8, 16 Dec 2001 to Plaintiff violating the Restraining order, and order of protection- Police Complaint #030100553. 2. Defendant forced Bulsa to violate an order of protection and restraining orders to meet to divide mutual funds on 29, 30 July 02, 24 Sept 02 at Wachovia Bank. 3. The defendant did cause major economic hardship to befall Bulsa by freezing all Bulsa’s funds effectively destroying any monetary means to support myself, and withheld tax rebate more than 30 days and all investments after they were ordered divided. Mental and Emotional cruelty 1. Lisa Atkins-Garner started yelling daily at Bulsa daily 17 March 2001; 3 May 200* - email Dr. Fredrick McCain -“Spiritual Divorce”;17 Jun '01 - Lisa Atkins Garner forced Bulsa to leave his home. 2. Lisa Atkins - Garner
slapped Bulsa in the face, beat on Bulsa's chest repeatedly- 3. 17 Aug 1993 in front of her parents (police incident record #0804-228-93) she admitted to this- 3 April '02 CDV trial w/Judge Over cash. 4. Mrs. Garner attacked Bulsa 3 Sept. 2001- Bulsa hugged her while on the phone with Mr. Atlee Garner and was repeatedly punched, kneed, grabbed, hit. 5. 17 March 2001-Mrs. Garner was going to move out and divorce Bulsa but waited to “create” grounds for Alimony- 3 Sept 2001 - CDV 6. Starting July 2001- Bulsa and Mrs. Garner attended marriage counseling in an attempt to save marriage, Mars and Venus clinic, and with Doctor Paul Gunter. Dr. Gunter stated," Mrs. Garner had everything planned before Bulsa started counseling." 21 June 2001 Mrs. Garner told Bulsa she is moving out and going to get an apartment, divorce. 2 Sept. 2001 0238- “Lisa Atkins - Garner left after throwing a wedding ring on the floor while saying, “You’re going to HURT so bad after I’m gone.” 7. Doug Cassell
email- 6 Sept 2001, "Lisa Garner was enraged at Bulsa, "She should not have called the police, don't let this incident make you feel that this is what caused the end of your marriage, her mind was made up about that Sunday morning." 8. Defendant illegally opened Bulsa' s mail from Wilson World addressed to Mr. Bulsa, intentionally causing an increased fee for Bulsa through withholding his vehicle property tax notice sent to Bulsa's address. Forensic Pathologist Dr. David Wren MD PhD. 9/3/2001 from 2 Stone St Inman, South Carolina 1013 pm. Read other posts on this blog for evidence/ details.
South Carolina. 29349 Officer Guy Wilson, Jason Carter, FTO Sergeant Raymond Gist Gssi https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymond-gist-02238389 Detective Marc Finley Boiling Springs, SC
134 w forest Dr
spartanburg, SC 29301
, 218 E. Henry St. Spartan burg, SC 29306 864.582.6727 1. Bulsa has Wrongfully Arrested on 3 Sept. 2001 after Lisa Annette Atkins Garner alleged victim, attacked him for the second time and hit him- 18 times, first 17 August 1993 plus court recording from 3 Apr. 2002 CDV trial WHERE SHE HIT me 20 times, AND when on 3 Sept 2001 (see police incident report #0804 - 228 - 93). 2. Officer Jason Carter believed me. 3. Police didn’t follow or complete Spartanburg County Police - Criminal Domestic Violence checklist. ( Police Dialogue). 4. Police questioned me without being reading ( Miranda Rights ) and questioned me w/o the presence of an attorney for 2142 - 2222 942 pm - 1022 pm (38 minutes). 5. All of my injuries were not photographed. 6. Medical care never offered for his injuries or mental state. 7. The crime scene was not photographed at ALL (Black marks on the bathroom wall) . 8. Police did not collect 911 taped cell phone call from 864 316-9654 of true criminal attacking while on her cell phone with dispatcher-she hit me 4 times while on the phone with a dispatcher but played 864 472-6888 (second call) at my trial. 9. Defendants displayed multiple pictures of alleged victim several times to jury. One entire page was identical only upside down. 10. Alleged victim’s injuries were photographed the next day; Forensic Pathologist. 11. My injuries were more severe than alleged victims - all offensive injuries. Officer Jason D Bulsa

I jumped back. walked into the bathroom- Mrs. Lisa
Atkins Gray Bulsa - Garner
attempted to knee me in the
groin, blocked with my left knee.
She then grabbed me in the groin. I pushed her hand
I asked, “What are you doing?” she punched me 14 times in
the ribs (police pictures)
shoved off the wall into
She moved into the doorway with her fists raised-
trapping me in the bathroom while catching her
breath. I held her arms and PULLED, (not
twisted (pictures)
(her voluntary statement) toward my stomach
and said, “Hit me if you want to hit me.”...Hurts more in
the stomach). End of Flashback. Began Criminal Domestic
Violence “I suggest you leave because I’m calling
the police.” I replied, “Go ahead and
call them.” You JUST attacked me, they are going to arrest you, not me. (316-9654 call not played in court.) (I
was going to if she didn't. she charged me (picture)
and then walked out the door. slammed the screen
door into me 3 times picture
2222 942 / 1022 pm arrested.
Bulsa 2 Stone St. Inman, SC 29349 864 472 6792 b29349@yahoo.com FIRST attack Incident 0804-228-93 On 17 Aug 1993 at approx. 2149, I walked into my girlfriend’s parents house (Lisa Atkins) , parents
walked in from the kitchen. Lisa walked up and yelled, “where were have you been!?”. I replied, “studying.” She yelled, “You Liar!” and slapped me in the face. Then started shoving me back down the hall. through the door and backward off the porch. Then she started pounding me in my chest until I fell against my car in the yard. Her mother was watching from the porch the entire time. Her father came from the backyard and watched, as well. I stood there stunned. She then opened my car door and started grabbing everything and threw it in the street; while yelling at her mother to call the police. A few minutes later, Sgt. Danny B. Morgan arrived and Lisa told him she wanted me to leave. Sgt. Morgan took a report, had me pick up everything from the road (had been run over) and followed me as I left. THE ABOVE IS LIABLE BECAUSE THE ACT, OMISSIONS constitute GROSS NEGLIGENCE, RECKLESSNESS, WILLFULNESS, AND WANTONNESS. 17. describe the suspect's emotional and physical state- Officer Wilson testified I was the most upset person he had ever seen." 18. My injuries were not recorded. 19. Was not informed to get additional pictures made in Veterans Admin if bruises appeared. 20. Not informed of Veterans A* and explained info. on back of VNI form. 21. Did not note signs of a struggle. Jeff Brougham Assistant attorney general lawyer AG, Brian C. Johnson Assist. A.G. 22. Mrs. Garner admitted to destroying Bulsa's belongings on 17 Aug 1993 at trial. Second Civil Rights Violation STALKING/ violation of protective order- 8 Nov. 2001 1. Ms. Prutsman called Detective Mar* Finley

158 W. Main St.
Spartanburg, SC 29306
Phone: (864) 583-9803 Kristen Prutsman South Carolina – Notice of Privacy and Confidentiality Practices. We may not disclose any information identifying a client UNLESS 1) the client consents by signing a written authorization. 2) Court order allows the disclosure 3) the disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency or to qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation. (See 42 U.S.C. 290dd-3 and 42 U.S. C. 290ee-3 for federal laws). 2. I called before the first visit. If I ever bothered anyone all that needed to be done is for me to be told to leave and don’t come back. I had nowhere else to go. They would have never done this to a woman. 3. The National Domestic Violence Hotline told me to go to the shelter. 4. Female violence – USA Today (Life- June 23, 2003) USA Today’s story” Studies shatter the myth about abuse”. “Data for years shows female violence between intimate partners occurs as often as male violence.” 5. Blue laminated brochure from Shelter “ Facts You Should Know About”- “ No one is immune to sexual assault. MEN are victims, too.” 6. Blue paper brochure from Shelter, “ DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE COURT SYSTEM- who qualifies for an order of protection? –Spouse, former spouse- there must also be a recent incident of physical abuse with a past history of physical abuse. Lisa Atkins-Garner assaulted me on 17 Aug.1993 see the incident report and on 3 Sept. 2001 at which time I was Wrongfully Arrested. You can ask-Senator Glenn Reese, Officer Jason Wilson that was there that night. He told me the only reason Mrs. Garner hasn’t been arrested is that I have filed a legal Compliant against the County for 3 counts of wrongful arrest. Reference CASE 03-CP-42-0044. What About Couple Counseling? “ If you feel you need individual counseling to deal with the trauma of your abuse, SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition can help.” 7. Tan paper brochure from Shelter- Information About the Order of Protection- “What can the police do? The Police MUST tell you about your right to bring charges under the law and how to keep evidence in the case.” 8. Tan paper brochure from Shelter- “How long does it take to get a hearing? “You may need to furnish SAFE Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition with NEW INFORMATION CONCERNING HIS/HER WHEREABOUTS.” 9. Yellow paper brochure from Shelter- Information About Individual and Group Psychotherapy- What is individual psychotherapy? Last sentence,” FACILITATION OF THE GRIEVING PROCESS AND ART THERAPY ARE SOME OF THE TECHNIQUES.” What is group therapy/ support group? What should I expect from a psychotherapist? – KNOWLEDGE OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS - UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO COPE WITH AND DECREASE SYMPTOMS SUCH AS ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION. - PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY. - A strictly Professional relationship. - Referrals to other professionals as appropriate. 10. NATIONAL CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME
- MALE RAPE- PAGE 5- “ Well-advised to consult with a rape crisis center, rather than relying on general counseling resources. THE SAME APPLIES TO THOSE CLOSE TO THE RAPE VICTIM, SUCH AS A PARTNER, SPOUSE, OR PARENT; these persons become SECONDARY VICTIMS of the sexual assault and have special issues and concerns that they may need assistance in dealing with effectively as well. LOCAL RAPE CRISIS CENTERS OFFER male SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMS DIRECT SERVICES OR REFERRALS FOR SERVICES.” Victims may contact their local rape crisis center- No matter how long it has been”. Counselors can “either provide support or help direct the victim to trained professionals who can provide support.” NATIONAL CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME- Domestic Violence and the Law page2 - “many states also consider the communications between a victim and counselor PRIVILEGED.”SC Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Guilty of practicing without a license and I was a (5) "Client" means a person or patient, whether an individual or a member of a group, a group, an agency or an organization, who receives in an office setting any treatment or service that falls within the scope of practice of a Licensed Professional Counselor or a Marriage and Family Therapist.
(6) "Consulting" means the application of scientific principles and procedures in counseling and human development to provide assistance in understanding and solving current or potential problems that the client may have in relation to a third party, individuals, groups, and organizations.
On 3 Sept. 2001, after my now ex-wife- Lisa Annette assaulted me J* Bu* for the second time.
Violation of Civil Rights- Third Wrongful Arrest Case–2003-CP-42-888 Warrant H511805, Arrested 1 May 2002 ERRORS 1.Cathy Terrell, had Mrs. Lisa Atkins Bulsa Garner 's 248.51.9462, card activity records, at the first hearing where Mrs. Garner didn’t show- 9- 11- 2002, that prove Plaintiff was at the library over 90 minutes before her but were lost before 3rd hearing on 2-3-2003. 2. A security guard, Michael Lindsey, testified, “I didn’t do anything, there was no altercation”, I left at the first sign of trouble. 3. I was found NOT guilty by reason of Self-Defense that was used to obtain this alleged violated order. 4. The Police did no investigation, did NOT collect or view security cameras that prove my innocence. 5. Mrs. Gar* called the police over 4 hours after the alleged incident. 6. Mrs. Garner lied out of vengeance with her adultery partner At Lee Garner to create a charge to have him charged again, with a crime he did not commit. 7. Three pictures, I took of the areas the cameras cover, were not given to the jury. 8. This trial was postponed 3 times- 9/11/2002,12/4/2002, and finally held on 2/3/2003, none of which would constitute “a speedy trial”- 9. Thirteen witnesses came to the second hearing, every employee in the entire Library Building, to testify, that there was no altercation. The subpoenas were removed from the court file by the third hearing. 10. The jury believed Mrs. AtLee Garner over a security guard, and Bulsa only because the Police didn’t collect the security videos. 11. Bulsa requested tapes, but they were never received.
12.Mrs. Garner admitted that Bulsa didn't follow her and him
email- 6 Sept 2001, "Lisa Garner was enraged at Bulsa, "She should not have called the police, don't let this incident make you feel that this is what caused the end of your marriage, her mind was made up about that Sunday morning." 8. Defendant illegally opened Bulsa' s mail from Wilson World addressed to Mr. Bulsa, intentionally causing an increased fee for Bulsa through withholding his vehicle property tax notice sent to Bulsa's address. Forensic Pathologist Dr. David Wren MD PhD. 9/3/2001 from 2 Stone St Inman, South Carolina 1013 pm. Read other posts on this blog for evidence/ details.
since 1995 - CDV, Stalking, Violation of Protective Orders est. 250,000 males per year are Falsely Arrested; over the last 20 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS9qbjkjosA http://garnerrape.blogspot.com/ Mc Rape McMaster
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