Friday, March 4, 2022

Prove police framed you

 Forensic pathologist. Police checklist. Ex wife: Lisa a Atkins garner attacked me after a rape flashback hug triggered to rap by Jeffery sims gray st age 12. While on the phone with Pedo. Atlee a garner. Current child rap ist she is married w/3 violent new Hell spawn. 143 w forest dr 29301 Spartanburg sc USA. Not climate change causing earthquakes but, the super wobble of the moon, suns Collins cycle. Entire seas worth of water not stored on location in trees. Dams that should be removed in China. Mutations are a loss of intelligence never a gain. The electrical signal to move waste from the cell into the nucleus will activate the most aggressive cancer there is. Naturally kills 1 in 700M. Through the apple crypto currency UBI device. 3 year old cancer research discrimination is in Revelation exactly/ 3 year old cancer research on YouTube. Scitech channel.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

New Forensic Rap* sexual assualt program in South Caroina

 Drunk female rap abuser/ victim 6 times, Lisa Atkins garner posts online are still getting attention 21 years later. Kidnapped rap Ed by. Jeffery sims gray, Scott e Atkins, atLee Ashby Garner 143 W Forest Dr Spartanburg SC 29301. Forensic rap e program being set up in South Carolina, “ needed”